diumenge, 28 de setembre del 2008

"Middle age festival" 2008!


I will talk about the middle age festival that is celebrated in Castelló.
The middle age festival is a popular festival of Castelló.
It's celebrated the first week of September.
A lot of people of the towm disguise like people of the middle age.
There are a lot of activities such as the medieval market, traditional music groups, theatre on the streets...
It is an important festival and a lot of people visit every year.
I think that it's a beautiful festival but I have seen it for ages.

I will put a photo of this middle age festival!

See you!!

dissabte, 20 de setembre del 2008

A new year!

Hello people!

Well, we start a new year and we return to the portfolio and the blog!!!!
In 2n of batchillerat I propose to pass them with the best possible marks because I have to do the “treball de recerca”, and I don’t know that I want to study!
At the moment I had good marks in the most of subjects. But I have to improve the marks!

I hope that I will pass this year!

Good bye! ;)